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Differentiating the points of divergence between open-source software and closed-source software
Differentiating the points of divergence between open-source software and closed-source software
Every software is developed using source code, much like a blueprint. Therefore, when buying or designing software, there are two options to choose from: open-source software and closed-source software. These software types originate from the source code used to create different platforms. What are the differences between these two types of source code?
What is Application Software? Functions and Roles in Businesses
What is Application Software? Functions and Roles in Businesses
In the current era of technology, utility and efficiency are decisive factors for the success of businesses and individuals. Application software, or utility software, plays a crucial role in meeting the increasingly high demands of work and management. Through this article, Rabiloo will introduce application software, its functions, benefits, and roles for individuals and businesses.
Terraform and Simplifying AWS Infrastructure with Terraform
Terraform and Simplifying AWS Infrastructure with Terraform
That's why infrastructure as code (represented by Terraform, for example) has emerged. While deploying new systems, we can start by configuring them through the user interface (console) offered by cloud service providers. However, as the system grows in complexity, this configuration process can become cumbersome.
Google PageSpeed Insights and 10 Tips to speed up your Website
Google PageSpeed Insights and 10 Tips to speed up your Website
For programmers, Google PageSpeed Insights is an essential tool in website design, as it helps optimize websites for better performance. For businesses, utilizing Google PageSpeed Insights can optimize their corporate website for faster loading speeds. A high-quality website can help maintain brand image, increase user reach, and retain viewers for longer periods. This article is intended for those who are new to this tool and seeking ways to speed up their website.
Amazon Redshift - A Big Data Storage and Processing Solution
Amazon Redshift - A Big Data Storage and Processing Solution
Recently, E-Commerce and Online Services users have grown, leading to an increase in the amount of data stored. So, big data processing is essential. Therefore, we will find out more about Amazon Redshift - a leading Big Data Storage and Processing Solution in the world.
Solution to block video downloads on websites
Solution to block video downloads on websites
Do you have a website that contains videos owned by you? The challenge you are currently facing is that there are too many unauthorized video downloads from your website, right? If the answer is yes, the solution to block video downloads in this article is for you.
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What is Application Software? Functions and Roles in Businesses
What is Application Software? Functions and Roles in Businesses
Top 9 Benefits of ERP Systems for Businesses
Top 9 Benefits of ERP Systems for Businesses
What is ERP? Explore the outstanding features of the ERP system
What is ERP? Explore the outstanding features of the ERP system

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