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Comparison between hosted vs. self-hosted e-commerce website

Comparison between hosted vs. self-hosted e-commerce website

E-commerce platforms are the backbone of today’s digital economy, enabling businesses to reach customers and sell products globally with just a few clicks. Without these platforms, online shopping as we know it wouldn't exist, and businesses would struggle to compete in an increasingly digital marketplace. Whether hosted or self-hosted, e-commerce platforms are essential tools for any company looking to thrive online. This guide will help you understand the differences between hosted and self-hosted e-commerce solutions, so you can make the best choice for your business.

Hosted vs. Self-Hosted e-commerce website in brief

  • Hosted e-commerce website

A hosted e-commerce website is a platform where the service provider handles all the essential components, such as hosting, security, and maintenance. In this model, platforms like Shopify, Wix, and BigCommerce offer businesses ready-made solutions, including website builders, payment gateways, and essential security features like SSL certificates. This type of setup is typically user-friendly, making it easy for business owners without technical expertise to get started. All these features are bundled into a monthly or annual subscription fee.

Hosted e-commerce website
  • Self-Hosted e-commerce website

A self-hosted e-commerce website is a platform where you, as the business owner, are responsible for managing your own hosting, security, and maintenance. Popular platforms like WooCommerce (for WordPress) and Magento allow full control over your online store's customization, functionality, and overall structure. This approach is ideal for businesses that want complete freedom in building and managing their e-commerce website. While self-hosted platforms give you more control, they also require more technical expertise, as you'll need to handle things like server setup, security, and ongoing updates.

Self-Hosted e-commerce website

The comparison between Hosted vs. Self-Hosted e-commerce website

The comparison between Hosted vs. Self-Hosted e-commerce website
  • Setup dfficulty

If you're looking for something that’s super easy to set up without any coding, go for a hosted platform like Shopify. It’s perfect for beginners since everything from setup to maintenance is done for you. But, if you want more control over how things look and work, self-hosted platforms like WooCommerce or Magento are the way to go. They do require more technical skills, or you might need to hire a developer, but you get full customization.

  • Cost

Hosted platforms work on a subscription basis, meaning you’ll be paying monthly or yearly fees. These can add up, especially if you start using premium features or move to a higher pricing tier. Conversely, with self-hosted options, you only pay for hosting, plugins, and any necessary maintenance, but the costs can vary depending on the specific services you choose.

  • Scalability

Hosted platforms typically lock you into pricing plans that can limit your growth unless you're willing to pay more. With self-hosted solutions, scaling is more flexible—you can upgrade your server resources as your traffic and business needs grow, allowing more control over costs and performance.

  • Maintenance

One of the big perks of hosted solutions is that they handle all the maintenance. Updates, server management, and backups are taken care of, so you don’t have to worry. Self-hosted platforms, however, put all this responsibility on your shoulders (or your developer’s). You’ll need to manage updates, backups, and other maintenance tasks to keep everything running smoothly.

  • Security

Security features like SSL certificates and monitoring are often included when you use a hosted platform. It’s one less thing to worry about. But with a self-hosted platform, security is your responsibility. You’ll have to implement and maintain firewalls, SSL certificates, and backups yourself, adding an extra management layer.

What is suitable for your business?

When it comes to deciding between a hosted or self-hosted e-commerce platform, it depends on your business needs and technical skills.

hosted vs. self-hosted e-commerce website
  • Choose Hosted if:

    • You’re new to e-commerce and need a simple, all-in-one solution.

    • You don’t have a technical team and want someone else to handle hosting and updates.

    • You want to focus on running your business rather than dealing with the technical aspects.

  • Choose Self-Hosted if:

    • You want complete control over your website’s design and functionality.

    • You’re comfortable with or have access to technical resources.

    • You’re planning for long-term growth and need the flexibility to scale your site as your business grows.


The choice between a hosted and self-hosted e-commerce platform comes down to your unique business needs. Factors like the size of your business, your budget, and your technical expertise will all influence which option is the best fit. Hosted platforms are great for simplicity and ease of use, while self-hosted platforms offer the flexibility and control needed for more customized solutions. Take the time to assess both your short-term and long-term goals before making a decision that aligns with your e-commerce strategy.


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